Local Action Group Izvor was established in 2012, it covers an area of ​​453,99 km2 and has 45.000 inhabitants. LAG Izvor consists of 9 local self-government bodies from the Varaždin and Koprivnica-Križevci counties. From the Koprivnica-Križevci County, the Municipality of Rasinja falls within the influence of LAG Izvor.

The aim of establishing the LAG is to promote sustainable development, prepare the local areas for the better use of EU Funds, develop synergies and networking between entities in the interest of contributing to the development of rural areas, building the identity of LAG areas by linking traditional, cultural and historical heritages.

The strategic objectives of LAG Izvor:

  • raise the quality of agricultural production in order to increase competitiveness in the market;
  • improve the quality of life and encourage non-agricultural activities;
  • Raising the awareness of local stakeholders about modern farm management mechanisms.