BFC – BioFarms Cluster

Lead partner: Magna Graecia University (Italy)

Project partners: GOEL social cooperative (Italy), Križevci University of Applied Sciences (Croatia), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Regional economic development agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje (Serbia), Association ‘Digital Fabrication Laboratory’- FabLab B&H (BiH), THE FACTORY I.K.E., Agency for Sustainable Development (Albania) and PORA Regional development agency of Koprivnica Križevci County (Croatia).

Project duration: 09th September 2024. – 31st August 2027.

Total project value: EUR 1.300.931,80.

INTERREG funds: EUR 1.105.792,03

PORA share in the project: EUR 105.828,00.

Co-financing by the EU: 85%

Link to the website address:

The main purpose of the project is to support the development of a transnational and macroregional cluster in the biopharmaceutical and nutritional sectors based on the strategy of smart specialization and the Quadruple helix model (by networking universities in the field of biopharmaceuticals, entrepreneurs from the pharmaceutical industry, family farms from the plant sector, the civil sector and other stakeholders who can contribute to its development).

This project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg IPA ADRION programme